Sunday, October 5, 2014

Womancation Day 4

After a disappointing evening of no balloons in the air Saturday night, we headed back to the hotel for a quick rest and were headed back to the Fiesta by 4:30 am in anxious (and cold) anticipation for the morning ascension. We watched the yellow flag much of the morning in hopes that it would be replaced by a green flag, signaling favorable weather conditions for the balloons. MUCH to our disappointment, it never happened. Somewhat dismayed that the weather had robbed us of this experience not once but twice, we gave up on the balloons. For reference, I'll attach a photo of what we had HOPED to see. (Deep sigh) But rather than throw in the towel, we found a few other points of interest in the area including the Albuquerque temple and a Route 66 experience. By recommendation from some nice people we met at the Fiesta, we headed about an hour outside Albuquerque down old Route 66 to a town call Madrid. It was an old mining town turned ghost town turned hippie revival town.  A much more entertaining end to Womancation than a chilly field with no balloons. 
Thanks so much to my Womancation friends! Whether I am overwhelmed or underwhelmed by the things we do and see, it's always such a fun time catching up with you two!! 
Until Womancation 2015...

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