Sunday, September 7, 2014

So long summer

It is with a tear in my eye that I bid a fond farewell to summer and more specifically the neighborhood pool. My crazy work schedule can be rough but one of the things it has afforded is some flexible time during the day this summer (who needs sleep?). I was lucky enough to go to the pool most days over the past few months. After work I would head to the pool and get in a nice swim then enjoy a nap poolside. The last time I spent that much time at the pool I was 9. It's been so great. I also took some time to learn how to swim laps. I took lessons as a kid and I could keep my head above water and propel myself in a desired direction but I never really learned correct strokes. This summer I swam my first laps. A great workout and a TON of fun! 
Farewell pool, I'll see you again after Memorial Day. 

1 comment:

In the Hartland said...

I wish I had a neighborhood pool! :-) It's good to have you back to the blogging world. What's next?

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