Any outdoor event in Seattle is running a high risk of weather-related issues. Mother Nature opted to remind us of this fact on Saturday! It was cold, windy and WET but we powered through and had a fun time!
Here we are pre-race. Still all dry and warm! My sister was kind enough to make us all orange pumpkin shirts. A lot of people dress up in fun costumes for the Pumpkin Push...this was as festive as we were willing to get. And seeing all of those soggy wigs and costumes after the race made me very happy I didn't opt for a gorilla suit.
Still pre-race - we were four frozen pumpkins! The tents provided little shelter from the elements as the wind blew the rain sideways. Typically there are some pre-race festivities that can be enjoyed but I think the crazy people who showed up were mostly smart enough to stay in their cars until just before the race. Turns out we weren't so smart.
And here we are after the race! Once we got moving we all warmed up pretty well. The picture doesn't really do the situation justice - we were SOAKED!!! But warm showers, dry clothes and apple cider awaited us at home.
Nice work everyone! Thanks everyone for coming!
So what was it? A 5K? You are a racing machine, Min!!
Yeah it was a 5K. A very soggy 5K but it was my sister's very first and she did a great job!
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